
The College is managed under the authority of the Board of Directors. The Directors determine the general policy of the College, overseeing all relevant matters including management and finances.



HH Shaikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Al-Maktoum


Board of Directors

HE Mr Mirza Al-Sayegh


Al-Maktoum College Logo

Mr Mohammed Obaid Bin Ghannam

Board Member

Mr Paul Clancy

Dr Mohammed El-Haram

Whole Life Consultants Ltd

Ms Alison Henderson

Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce

Professor Malcolm Horner

University of Dundee

Professor Faisel Khan

University of Dundee

Baillie Fraser Macpherson

Baillie Helen Wright

Ms. Jill Shimi

University of Dundee

College Council

The College Council is an advisory board that receives reports on the working of the College, discussing any matters relating to the College and conveying opinions to the Board of Directors and the Head of College and Chancellor. It is composed of eighteen members and three committees.


  • Nominations Committee
  • Finance and General Purposes Committee
  • Community Services Committee