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MSc Customer Experience and Service Management (CXSM)

Delivered in partnership with the International Customer Experience Institute (ICXI) and validated by Abertay University.

  • Tuition fees: On-Campus: £20,000 / Hybrid: £15,000
  • Programme level: Masters
  • Start date: September 2024 / January 2025
  • Study mode: Full-time, Part-time
  • Duration: 1 year

Why study Customer Experience and Service Management?

Studying Customer Experience and Service Management (CXSM) is increasingly essential within the current business landscape, as it addresses the critical demand for professionals skilled in improving service quality and enhancing the customer experience journey, both are key drivers of business success.

The MSc in Customer Experience and Service Management offers an interdisciplinary qualification that equips students with the theoretical and practical tools necessary to excel in various sectors. By integrating core components such as quality management, business excellence, and digital transformation, the programme ensures that students are well-prepared to navigate and lead in the competitive realm of modern business, where superior customer engagement and service standards are paramount.


What will I learn?

You will engage with an interdisciplinary curriculum that focuses on the critical aspects of customer service across a spectrum of industries.

This programme is designed to equip you with a solid understanding of customer experience and service management, integrating key theories with practical applications.

You will explore modules such as:

Context, Culture and Policy: Understanding the environmental and policy frameworks affecting customer experience.
Products, Services, and Places: Insights into service design and management across various sectors.
Journey Design and Management: Techniques for mapping customer journeys and managing touchpoints to enhance service delivery.
Research Methods: Tools and methodologies for conducting robust research in service management.
People’s Performance: Strategies for improving team performance and leadership in customer service environments.

Elective modules:

Elective modules allow you to specialise further, offering insights into Performance Measurement & Continuous Improvement, Strategic Organisational Excellence, and Sustainability and Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility for specialised learning. The programme concludes with either a research-based dissertation or a consultancy project, providing practical insights into service management challenges.

You will enhance your analytical skills by critically analysing customer data to boost satisfaction and loyalty. Key professional skills such as effective communication, ethical leadership, and team management are emphasised, preparing you for leadership roles in customer service. The integration of AI and big data will equip you to innovate and improve customer experiences. This qualification prepares you for advanced roles in customer service management, and quality management, while also lays a foundation for PhD studies.

Programme information

Entry requirements

  • A good (at least a lower second class Honours degree or equivalent) first-degree

English Language requirements 

Teaching takes place solely in English and you must demonstrate that your English language proficiency is at a level that will allow you to follow your intended programme successfully.

Student Visa requirements for study in the UK

For candidates who require a student visa, you will need one of the following accepted English language qualifications.

Al-Maktoum College will accept the following:

  • IELTS – 6.0 (Minimum of 5.5 in each component and 6.0 in writing) or equivalent
  • LanguageCert – International – Pass or High Pass in LanguageCert B2 Communicator or better (do not accept online versions)
  • Pearsons (PTE Academic) – 54 (all components at 51)
  • TOEFL – 78 (Listening – 17, Reading 18, Speaking 20 and Writing 17)

The UK Government approves certain English language qualifications as being Secure English Language Tests (SELT). These meet the government’s requirements for visa applications.

Full entry requirement information can be found here.

Our course offers three exit routes:

Postgraduate Certificate: 60 credits

Postgraduate Diploma: 120 credits

Full MSc CXSM: 180 credits

This programme equips graduates with vital employability skills through rigorous coursework, teaching methodologies, and assessment strategies that are essential for success.

Key skills developed include critical analysis, critical self-reflection, the ability to tackle complex and contradictory viewpoints, robust research techniques, advanced communication abilities, resilience, self-advocacy, integrity, ethics, and effective time management.

Graduates typically find diverse career opportunities in the private, public, and non-profit sectors, reflecting the broad applicability of the skills learned. Specific career paths include:

  • Customer Experience Strategy and Design
  • Service Quality Management
  • Client Relations Management
  • Customer Insights and Analytics
  • Project Management in Service Delivery
  • Strategic Leadership within Customer-focused Roles

The programme integrates interaction with real-life business challenges and includes guest lectures from industry leaders to enhance learning experiences, preparing graduates to effectively manage and innovate in diverse and dynamic environments.

This focus ensures that participants are ready to contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving field of customer experience and service management.

Teaching will take place at Al-Maktoum College through lectures, seminars, workshops and digital learning methods.

A range of appropriate assessment methods will be used including coursework and examinations requiring critical analysis and reflections, and individual/group presentations.

The programme consists of 6 taught modules with 20 credits each and a dissertation (or consultancy project report) of 60 credits. Out of the six taught modules, five core and one elective are to be chosen from 3 available options.

Students can choose to conduct a research-based dissertation or a consultancy project. The College will support students in identifying the company and will facilitate communication through the programme’s industry partners.

You should apply directly using the College’s online application system and your application will usually be assessed within 3 working days. We may contact you to provide further information or to invite you to a short informal interview.

Please make sure you have the following information before starting your application:

  • Academic transcripts and qualification certificates
  • Proof of English language proficiency (if required)
  • Passport details
  • Referee details

We consider all aspects of the application: academic qualifications, personal statement and references.

All correspondence will be sent from after an application of study has been submitted and you should direct any questions there.

Compulsory Unit Information

CXM Context Culture and Policy (AMC520)

This unit delves into the intricate relationship between customer experience, cultural contexts, and policy-making. CXM Context Culture and Policy (AMC520) encompasses a comprehensive exploration of how cultural and policy frameworks influence service management and customer interactions across different sectors. The unit addresses the diversity of cultural norms and values, and their impact on customer expectations and satisfaction, offering a multidimensional understanding of global customer service strategies.

The module systematically reviews the role of policy in shaping customer experience, focusing on regulatory, ethical, and operational aspects. It investigates how policies can be designed and implemented to enhance the quality of service while ensuring compliance with international standards and cultural sensitivity. By studying various policy models and their outcomes, students gain insights into effective policy-making processes that align with organisational goals and customer needs.

CXM Context Culture and Policy also facilitates the development of critical analytical skills, enabling students to evaluate the effectiveness of culture and policy-driven strategies in real-world scenarios. This unit is instrumental in forming the foundational competencies necessary for driving customer-focused change in organisations, equipping students with the tools to assess and refine policy and cultural frameworks to foster an enriching customer experience environment.

Products, Services, and Places (AMC521)

Examine the interplay between tangible offerings, service delivery, and the environments in which businesses operate. The module covers a variety of mechanisms such as service design, product positioning, and placemaking, which are crucial for crafting compelling customer experiences.

The unit constructs a critical review of how these elements can be synergistically managed to enhance organisational branding and customer loyalty. It encourages a deep analysis of the alignment between product features, service standards, and the ambient factors of business locales that together influence customer perceptions and behaviours.

Products, Services, and Places also clarify how the thoughtful design and alignment of these three components can serve as a powerful vehicle for organisational development. It enables candidates to assess and employ strategic tools such as customer journey mapping, experiential marketing techniques, and spatial aesthetics evaluations. Moreover, the unit delves into the dynamics of market trends and consumer behaviour, suggesting practical approaches for businesses to adapt and thrive in changing environments. It supports candidates to identify and optimise their roles within teams tasked with developing product-service-place strategies, thereby enhancing collaborative efforts and organisational coherence.

Journey Design and Management (AMC522)

Explore a range of individual mechanisms such as customer touchpoint analysis, service blueprinting, and emotional mapping, essential for constructing effective customer journeys. The unit offers a comprehensive critique of various models and frameworks used to map and manage customer interactions from initial contact through to post-service engagement.

The module establishes the core principles and methodologies for designing and refining customer journeys that align with organisational goals and customer satisfaction metrics. It clarifies how these journey frameworks can be optimised as strategic tools for organisational development, empowering candidates to deploy and assess innovative techniques like predictive analytics, persona development, and behavioural targeting.

Additionally, Journey Design and Management examines the dynamics of team collaboration necessary for successful journey mapping. It advocates a cross-functional team approach and introduces methods such as iterative design and agile management to enhance team efficiency and output. The unit supports candidates in identifying and adopting the most effective roles within teams responsible for journey design, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centric innovation.

Research Methods (AMC525)

Discover a range of individual learning mechanisms including qualitative and quantitative analysis, experimental design, and systematic literature reviews, which are pivotal for robust academic and professional inquiry. The unit presents a thorough critique of contemporary research paradigms, equipping students with the skills to discern and implement appropriate methodologies based on the specific demands and contexts of their research objectives.

The module reinforces the importance of ethical considerations and methodological rigour, establishing the foundational ethos and pillars for conducting impactful research in real-world and academic settings. It explores how structured research methods can be optimised as vehicles for organisational development, enabling candidates to evaluate and apply advanced research tools such as data analytics, modelling techniques, and meta-analysis.

Moreover, Research Methods examines the dynamics of collaborative research, encouraging interdisciplinary approaches and teamwork in the construction and execution of research projects. It proposes strategies for effective team roles and supports candidates in identifying and adopting positions that best enhance their research team’s effectiveness, promoting a cooperative and productive research environment.

Dissertation (AMC526)

It covers several individual learning mechanisms such as formulating research questions, developing literature reviews, and selecting appropriate research methodologies, all tailored to the individual’s chosen study area. The unit offers a rigorous examination of various research methods, providing a framework to guide the execution of a substantial piece of scholarly work.

The dissertation unit is designed to consolidate the ethos and pillars of academic inquiry within a real-world context, bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application. It demonstrates how the disciplined process of research can be optimised as a vehicle for organisational and personal development, empowering candidates to contribute original insights to their field.

Moreover, the dissertation process examines and harnesses the dynamics of mentor-student relationships, emphasising the roles of guidance, feedback, and critical discussion. It supports candidates in navigating their independent research journey, encouraging them to self-assess and adapt their learning strategies. This culminates in the development of robust, analytical, and presentation skills that prepare them for professional and academic pursuits beyond the programme.

People's Performance (AMC523)

Explore various individual learning mechanisms such as performance coaching, mentoring, reflective practice, and developmental feedback that are essential for enhancing personal competencies and productivity. The unit provides a comprehensive review of group and team performance enhancement techniques, including goal setting, role clarification, and performance appraisals, fostering a cohesive learning environment within the workplace.

The module sets up the ethos and pillars of effective performance management at both individual and team levels, emphasising the integration of theory with practical application to optimise organisational outcomes. It discusses how strategic performance management can be utilised as a vehicle for organisational development, enabling candidates to critically assess and apply methods like balanced scorecards, 360-degree feedback, and continuous improvement processes.

Furthermore, People’s Performance examines the dynamics of teamwork and collective spirit, proposing the utilisation of the Belbin team roles model to enhance group synergy. It supports candidates in self-assessing and identifying the roles they are best suited to within team contexts, thus enhancing both individual and team performance alignment with organisational goals.

Optional Unit Information

Performance Measurement & Continuous Improvement (AMC524)

Explore a variety of performance measurement tools such as key performance indicators (KPIs), balanced scorecards, and benchmarking, essential for evaluating organisational effectiveness and operational efficiency. The unit delves into different continuous improvement methodologies, including Six Sigma, Lean Management, and Total Quality Management (TQM), highlighting their applications and benefits in various business contexts.

The unit explains how strategic performance measurement and continuous improvement can serve as catalysts for organisational growth and competitiveness. It empowers candidates to critically analyse and apply suitable techniques and models to real-world business challenges. Furthermore, the unit investigates the integration of technological advancements in performance management systems, emphasising data analytics and automation in streamlining processes and enhancing decision-making capabilities.

Additionally, the unit examines the cultural aspects of continuous improvement, discussing how a culture of quality and excellence can be nurtured within teams and organisations. It supports candidates in developing skills to lead and motivate teams towards achieving performance excellence, fostering a proactive and results-oriented workplace environment.

Strategic Organisational Excellence (AMC515)

This unit cultivates a sophisticated understanding of strategic organisational excellence frameworks and practices. It encompasses a range of methodologies pivotal to achieving and maintaining excellence within organisations, such as strategic planning, leadership development, and change management. The unit conducts a thorough examination of organisational excellence models including the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria, assessing their impact on business performance and sustainability.

The unit explains how strategic organisational excellence can be leveraged as a foundation for sustainable competitive advantage and long-term success. It enables candidates to critically evaluate and implement strategic excellence initiatives tailored to their organisational contexts, promoting adaptability and resilience. Furthermore, the unit delves into the role of leadership in embedding an excellence-oriented culture within organisations, discussing strategies to cultivate leadership behaviours that promote innovation, efficiency, and ethical practices.

In addition, the unit explores the dynamics of team collaboration in the pursuit of organisational excellence. It proposes a systems thinking approach to understand and enhance interdependencies within organisational processes and teams. The unit also supports candidates to identify and nurture their potential in various leadership roles aligned with encouraging organisational excellence, thereby enhancing their capacity to contribute effectively to their organisations’ overarching goals.

Sustainability and Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility (AMC506)

This unit covers a broad spectrum of individual ethical practices such as ethical decision-making, personal accountability, and integrity management. The unit constructs a critical review of corporate sustainability theories, frameworks, and models, establishing the foundations for embedding these principles at the organisational level.

The unit explains how CSR can be optimised as a mechanism for driving sustainable organisational development. It enables the candidates to evaluate selected sustainability tools and techniques such as environmental audits, sustainability reporting, and stakeholder engagement strategies. Additionally, the unit explores the dynamics of ethical leadership and corporate governance, proposing frameworks for ethical compliance and corporate citizenship.

Moreover, the unit examines the interplay between corporate actions and their wider social and environmental impacts, supporting candidates to identify and fulfil roles that align with fostering ethical practices and sustainability in their organisations. Through this exploration, candidates learn to integrate CSR into business strategies, enhancing their ability to contribute effectively to their organisations’ sustainable and ethical development.

What our students say