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HND in Human Resource Management

The HND in Human Resource Management is designed to prepare you with the knowledge and fundamental skills to navigate the highly competitive and ever-changing business industry.

  • Tuition fees: £1,205 - £8,100
  • Programme level: SCQF level 8
  • UCAS code: ALM5
  • Start date: September or January
  • Study mode: Full-time, Part-time
  • Duration: 2 years

What will I study?

The HND is the second year of a 2-year course in HRM focussing on the managerial skills needed to succeed within the business sector. The HND can prepare you for a career (or further studies) in a number of specialist areas, for example, Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Financial Services.

You will gain insight into the different factors that influence modern-day businesses as well as the structures and strategies adopted by organisations to develop, grow and succeed.

With business roles being in high demand, particularly within the UK, studying the HND in HRM will provide a pathway into the industry for ambitious and committed students.

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, have interest in management, looking to refresh your skills and knowledge or are simply seeking a change in career, our Business courses are for you. 


What will I learn?

  • Develop knowledge and skills required for employment in a business environment
  • Acquire skills and knowledge in key business functions such as Management, Marketing, and Accounting as well as developing knowledge and skills in Economics, Communication, Problem Solving and the influence of technology on the business environment and businesses themselves
  • Provide a grounding for students looking to start up their own business by integrating a Business Fundamentals unit while exploring emerging digital business models and getting an introduction to accounting
  • Develop study and research skills
  • Develop transferable skills including Core Skills to the levels demanded by employers

Programme information

Professional recognition represents the biggest and most difficult barrier facing the HNC/D awards. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) represents over 145,000 members both in the UK and abroad and has established itself as a key policy influencer and voice for the profession. CIPD qualifications are regarded as the standard for the industry and the CIPD accredits and delivers CIPD awards across the UK and beyond. Prior to 2011 the CIPD endorsed the HNC award subject to identified units being undertaken.
However, the CIPD has refined and repositioned its model, aligning the higher level awards at Masters (SCQF 11) level, introducing a new level and pathways and more recently premising their qualifications on a set of professional principles. These changes in structure and approach have served to widen the gap between the CIPD awards and the HNC/D awards.
While CIPD no longer accepts the HNC/D for exemptions to its professional qualifications, learners would be able to apply on an individual basis requesting exemption for particular subjects on the basis of the units successfully achieved in the HNC/D.

Entry requirements for year 2 entry

See HNC in HRM for year 1 entry

  • Successful completion of the HNC in HRM PLUS
  • 2 Highers or equivalent and National 5 Maths or equivalent
  • Relevant National Qualifications or National Qualification Group Awards at SCQF level 5 or 6

English Language requirements 

Teaching takes place solely in English and you must demonstrate that their English language proficiency is at a level that will allow you to follow your intended programme successfully.

If English is not your first language you must hold a qualification as evidence of your English language skills. Full details of the qualifications we accept, can be found here.

Student Visa requirements for study in the UK

The UK Government approves certain English language qualifications as being Secure English Language Tests (SELT). These meet the government’s requirements for visa applications.

Al-Maktoum College will accept the following:

  • IELTS – 6.0 (Minimum of 5.5 in each component and 6.0 in writing) or equivalent
  • LanguageCert – B2 or equivalent

Full entry requirement information can be found here

Successful completion of the HND in HRM may allow you to progress to year 3 of a related degree programme or alternatively into employment.  

The HNC and HND in HRM prepare learners for entry to a wide range of positions in employment. Below are a small selection of those where progression is possible directly or with further study or experience:

  • Business development manager
  • Business change manager
  • Project manager
  • Business analyst
  • Operations analyst
  • Marketing officer


  • You will have 12 hours of class time per week with an additional 12 hours of independent study expected
  • Classes take place on a Monday and Tuesday.
  • Classes will be in the form of lectures and small group tutorials


Assessment will be through reports, essays, and case studies as well as presentations, group assessments, exams and projects.

The HND includes a Graded Unit, which is a project in the form of a practical assignment. It is designed to assess your ability to retain and integrate the knowledge and skills gained in the award and to also grade your achievement.

There are three grades:

A — if you achieve 70% or over

B — if you achieve between 60% and 69%

C — if you achieve between 50% and 59%.

Applications to the HNC/D in Business, HNC/D in HRM or the HNC/Diploma in Management & Leadership may apply directly using the College online application system or may also be submitted through UCAS.

UCAS decisions will be made directly through the Track function, however we my contact you to provide further information or to invite you to a short informal interview.

For the direct application, please make sure you have the following information:

  • Academic transcripts and qualification certificates
  • Proof of English language proficiency (if required)
  • Passport details
  • Referee details

We consider all aspects of the application: academic qualifications, personal statement and references.

If you have any questions, please contact

Collective Employment Relations: Law and Practice

Acceptable performance in this unit will be the satisfactory achievement of the standards set out in this part of the unit specification. All sections of the statement of standards are mandatory and cannot be altered without reference to SQA. Where evidence for outcomes is assessed on a sample basis, the whole of the content listed in the knowledge and/or skills section must be taught and available for assessment. Learners should not know in advance the items on which they will be assessed and different items should be sampled on each assessment occasion.

Research Methods in Human Resource Management

This Unit is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge and skills required to undertake research projects. Candidates will learn about the theory of research; the research process; research methodologies and types of research data that can be used and their appropriateness for particular types of research.

Employee Resourcing and Talent Management

This unit provides learners with the opportunity to explore advanced concepts in human resource planning including a wide range of employee resourcing techniques, assessment methods and talent management strategies and practices which support the effectiveness of orgnaisations.

Learning and Development: An Introduction

This Unit is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge, skills and understanding required to promote effective training in an organisation. It will equip them with the underpinning knowledge necessary to undertake a training needs analysis, deliver a short training session and to reflect on the effectiveness of the training. It will also enable candidates to develop an understanding of the context of Government training initiatives, Investors in People and N/SVQs.

Behavioural Skills for Business

The aim of this unit is to develop an understanding of the role of a manager as a leader and some of the key management behavioural skills required to meet an organisation’s goals and objectives. It enables learners to explain what managerial behaviour in organisations involves and to analyse the behavioural skills which managers need to manage their own behaviour and also to deal with differences and challenges in the workplace. It enables learners to recognise the skills which managers need in order to behave effectively in situations which arise within a dynamic business environment. Whilst the unit is aimed at learners who have current experience of working in a position with management responsibilities or those who are returning to management after a break, it is also suitable for those who do not presently have current management experience but have aspirations of taking up a management role in the future. Successful completion of this unit will provide a foundation for further management units at more advanced SCQF levels.

Human Resource Management: An Introduction to Finance

This unit is designed to enable learners to develop the knowledge and skills to apply basic financial principles required for the Human Resource (HR) function. It provides learners with the underpinning knowledge and practical skills to calculate simple wages and salaries, tointerpret financial data, and to produce related reports.

Human Resource Management Graded Unit 2

Graded unit purpose
This graded unit is designed to provide evidence that the learner has achieved the following principal aims of the HND Human Resource Management:
1 Enable learners to develop skills and knowledge in a wider range and complexity of HRM issues.
2 Develop learners’ skills, knowledge, understanding and application of main theories and more complex issues of HRM as preparation for employment at an appropriate level.
3 Provide opportunities to enhance the core capabilities and behaviours needed for a successful career in human resource management.
4 Develop a range of core and transferable skills essential for research and evaluation within HRM.
5 Prepare learners for progression to further study in HRM at university or with a professional body.

Human Resource Management; Supporting Organisational Change

This Unit is designed to provide candidates with the knowledge and skills to explore the different roles undertaken by internal and external change consultants as part of organisational change initiatives. It is intended for candidates who want to consider a career in human resources however, it is also suitable for those who wish to study management and business related topics in general.

Human Resource Management: Employee Relationship Management

This Unit is designed to develop skills in analysing, presenting and responding to complex written and oral communication in vocational contexts. It is intended for candidates whose study or employment requires enhanced abilities in interpreting, producing and presenting complex information, arguments and ideas.

Communication: Presenting Complex Communication for Vocational Purposes.

This Unit is designed to develop skills in analysing, presenting and responding to complex written and oral communication in vocational contexts. It is intended for candidates whose study or employment requires enhanced abilities in interpreting, producing and presenting complex information, arguments and ideas.

Human Resource Management: Performance Management

This Unit is designed to enable candidates to understand the concept of performance management and manage individual performance. Candidates will develop an awareness of the various processes involved and how elements can be integrated.

Human Resource Management: Employee Reward

Unit purpose: The purpose of this unit is to introduce candidates to the fundamental principles of reward management.

On completion of the Unit the candidate should be able to:
1. Explain the contribution of reward management to an organisation and its links with other HR
2 Describe and evaluate the principal tools and techniques of reward management.
3 Explain and evaluate reward management processes.

Applying Interpersonal Communication Theory

The purpose of this unit is to develop skills in applying interpersonal communication theory to interactions and collaborations. It is aimed at learners studying in vocational contexts where strong interpersonal skills are required to communicate and interpret ideas, behaviour and content.

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