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Lord Provost shares Dundee cake with overseas students in their first visit to the city

Dundee’s Lord Provost, Ian Borthwick, welcomed over 65 Summer School students with some traditional Dundee cake, as they embark on Al-Maktoum College’s 28th education programme.

The programme, aimed at female students, was established by Al-Maktoum College in 2003 and has since received much support from the Dundee community.

Over the years, the Lord Provost has met with hundreds of Summer School students from across the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Egypt.

The Lord Provost stated, “I am pleased to formally welcome you all [students] to Dundee and indeed Scotland. I’m sure you will enjoy your time here”. He added, “I am very fond of Al-Maktoum College and can assure you that this programme will be an invaluable experience for all”.

Dr A G Abubaker, Acting Head of College, added “Thank you to the Lord Provost for his kind and warm words of welcome. As usual, we are pleased to have your support in all that we do in the College and look forward to yet another successful educational programme”.

The students presented the Lord Provost with gifts from their home universities and posed for photographs, before enjoying the Dundee cake.

“The Dundee cake is different but I like it. Everything here is different to me but I like it all. Dundee is a beautiful city and I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience it”, said one Summer School student.

The Summer School programme, lasting 4 weeks in total, aims to allow female students the opportunity to experience cultural exchange, whilst learning the importance of multiculturalism and diversity in leadership.

During this time, students become residents of Dundee and enjoy excursions to wider parts of Scotland and the UK.


Pictures by Ron Cathro